
Usage: jenkinsflow [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Commandline utilities for jenkinsflow

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  set_build_description  Utility to set/append build description on a...
  set_build_result       Change the result of a Jenkins job.
Usage: jenkinsflow set_build_result [OPTIONS]

  Change the result of a Jenkins job.

  Note: set_build_result can only be done from within the job, not after the
  job has finished. Note: Only available if URL is set in `Jenkins
  <>`_ system configuration.

  This command uses the Jenkins `cli` to change the result. It requires a
  java executable to run the Jenkins `cli`. Please note that in some
  versions of jenkins the cli is broken, it has no manifest file!

  --result TEXT      The result to set. Should probably be 'unstable'
  --username TEXT    Name of jenkins user with access to the job
  --password TEXT    Password of jenkins user with access to the job.
  --java TEXT        Alternative 'java' executable
  --direct-url TEXT  Jenkins URL. Default is JENKINS_URL/HUDSON_URL env var
                     value. Use this argument if JENKINS_URL is a proxy
                     [default: None]
  --help             Show this message and exit.

You can also use jenkinsflow.utils.set_build_result module in your python script.

Usage: jenkinsflow set_build_description [OPTIONS]

  Utility to set/append build description on a job build.

  --description TEXT        The description to set on the build
  --replace / --no-replace  Replace existing description, if any, instead of
  --separator TEXT          A separator to insert between any existing
                            description and the new 'description' if 'replace'
                            is not specified.
  --username TEXT           User Name for Jenkin authentication with secured
  --password TEXT           Password of Jenkins User
  --job-name TEXT           Job Name
  --build-number INTEGER    Build Number
  --direct-url TEXT         Jenkins URL - preferably non-proxied. If not
                            specified, the value of JENKINS_URL or HUDSON_URL
                            environment variables will be used.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

You can also use jenkinsflow.utils.set_build_description module in your python script.