Source code for jenkinsflow.script_api

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015 Lars Hupfeldt Nielsen, Hupfeldt IT
# All rights reserved. This work is under a BSD license, see LICENSE.TXT.

import sys, os, shutil, importlib, datetime, tempfile, psutil, setproctitle, signal, errno
from os.path import join as jp
import multiprocessing
import urllib.parse

from .api_base import BuildResult, Progress, UnknownJobException, BaseApiMixin, ApiInvocationMixin
from .speed import Speed

here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

def _mkdir(path):
    except OSError as ex:
        if ex.errno != errno.EEXIST:

def _pgrep(proc_name):
    """Returns True if a process with name 'proc_name' is running, else False"""
        for proc in psutil.process_iter():
            if proc_name ==
                return True
    except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
        return False
    return False

class LoggingProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
    proc_name_prefix = "jenkinsflow_script_api_"

    def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, output_file_name=None, workspace=None, name=None, args=(), env=None):
        self.user_target = target
        super().__init__(group=group, target=self.run_job_wrapper, name=name, args=args)
        self.output_file_name = output_file_name
        self.workspace = workspace
        self.env = env
        self._build_res_unstable = False

    def run_job_wrapper(self, *args):
        setproctitle.setproctitle(self.proc_name_prefix +

        # Set signalhandler for changing job result
        def set_result(_sig, _frame):
            print("\nGot SIGUSR1: Changing result to 'unstable'")
            self._build_res_unstable = True
        signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, set_result)

        os.environ['EXECUTOR_NUMBER'] = repr(

            rc = self.user_target(*args)
        except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            print("jenkinsflow.script_api: Caught exception from job script:", ex)
            rc = 1

        if self._build_res_unstable:

    def run(self):
        sys.stdout = sys.stderr = open(self.output_file_name, 'w', buffering=1)

[docs]class Jenkins(Speed, BaseApiMixin): """Optimized minimal set of methods needed for jenkinsflow to directly execute python code instead of invoking Jenkins jobs. THIS DOES NOT SUPPORT CONCURRENT INVOCATIONS OF FLOW There is no concept of job queues or executors, so if your flow depends on these for correctness, you wil experience different behaviour when using this api instead of the real Jenkins. Args: direct_uri (str): Path to dir with 'job' method python modules. Modules named <job-name>.py will be imported from this directory. If no module exists for a specific jobname, the module called '' will be imported. The modules must contain at method called 'run_job' with the following signature: run_job(job_name, job_prefix_filter, username, password, securitytoken, cause, build_params) A return value of 0 is 'SUCCESS' A return value of 1 or any exception raised is 'FAILURE' Other return values means 'UNSTABLE' job_prefix_filter (str): Passed to 'run_job'. ``jenkinsflow`` puts no meaning into this parameter. username (str): Passed to 'run_job'. ``jenkinsflow`` puts no meaning into this parameter. password (str): Passed to 'run_job'. ``jenkinsflow`` puts no meaning into this parameter. invocation_class (class): Defaults to `Invocation`. log_dir (str): Directory in which to store logs. Defaults to subdirectory 'jenkinsflow' under the system defined tmp dir. **kwargs: Ignored for compatibility with the other jenkins apis """ def __init__(self, direct_uri, job_prefix_filter=None, username=None, password=None, invocation_class=None, log_dir=None, **kwargs): self.job_prefix_filter = job_prefix_filter self.username = username self.password = password self.public_uri = direct_uri self.log_dir = log_dir or os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'jenkinsflow') self.invocation_class = invocation_class or Invocation self.jenkins_prefix = urllib.parse.urlsplit(direct_uri).path # If direct_uri is a path, then jenkins_prefix will be the same as direct_uri = {} def poll(self): pass def quick_poll(self): pass def queue_poll(self): pass def _script_file(self, job_name): return jp(self.public_uri, job_name + '.py') def _workspace(self, job_name): return jp(self.public_uri, job_name.replace('/', '_')) def get_job(self, name): job = if not job: script_file = script_file1 = self._script_file(name) if not os.path.exists(script_file): script_file = self._script_file('default') if not os.path.exists(script_file): raise UnknownJobException(script_file1 + ' or ' + script_file) script_dir = os.path.dirname(script_file) if script_dir not in sys.path: sys.path.append(script_dir) try: user_module = importlib.import_module(os.path.basename(script_file).replace('.py', ''), package=None) except (ImportError, SyntaxError) as ex: raise UnknownJobException(repr(script_file) + ' ' + repr(ex)) from ex try: func = user_module.run_job except AttributeError as ex: raise UnknownJobException(script_file + repr(ex)) from ex job =[name] = ApiJob(jenkins=self, name=name, script_file=script_file, workspace=self._workspace(name), func=func) return job def create_job(self, job_name, config_xml): script_file = self._script_file(job_name) _mkdir(os.path.dirname(script_file)) with open(script_file, 'w') as ff: ff.write(config_xml) def delete_job(self, job_name): script_file = self._script_file(job_name) try: os.unlink(script_file) except OSError as ex: if not os.path.exists(script_file): raise UnknownJobException(script_file + repr(ex)) from ex raise try: shutil.rmtree(self._workspace(job_name)) except OSError as ex: if os.path.exists(script_file): raise
[docs] def set_build_description( self, description: str, replace: bool = False, separator: str = '\n', build_url: str = None, job_name: str = None, build_number: int = None): """Utility to set/append build description. :py:obj:`description` will be written to a file in the workspace. Args: description: The description to set on the build. append: If True append to existing description, if any. separator: A separator to insert between any existing description and the new :py:obj:`description` if :py:obj:`append` is True. build_url: job_name: build_number: """ rel_build_url = self.get_build_url(build_url, job_name, build_number) # TODO: Is this always correct? workspace = self._workspace(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(rel_build_url).replace('.py', ''))) mode = 'w' if replace else 'a' fname = jp(workspace, 'description.txt') if not replace and os.path.exists(fname) and os.stat(fname).st_size: description = separator + description with open(fname, mode) as ff: try: ff.write(description) except UnicodeEncodeError: ff.write(description.encode('utf-8'))
class ApiJob(): def __init__(self, jenkins, name, script_file, workspace, func): self.jenkins = jenkins = name = None self.public_uri = script_file self.workspace = workspace self.func = func self.log_file = jp(self.jenkins.log_dir, + '.log') self.build_num = None self._invocations = [] self.queued_why = None self.old_build_number = None def invoke(self, securitytoken, build_params, cause, description): _mkdir(self.jenkins.log_dir) _mkdir(self.workspace) build_number = (self.build_num or 0) + 1 self.build_num = build_number fixed_args = [, self.jenkins.job_prefix_filter, self.jenkins.username, self.jenkins.password, securitytoken, cause] fixed_args.append(build_params if build_params else {}) # Export some of the same variables that Jenkins does extra_env = dict( BUILD_NUMBER=repr(build_number), BUILD_ID=datetime.datetime.isoformat(datetime.datetime.utcnow()), BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME='#' + repr(build_number),, BUILD_TAG='jenkinsflow-' + + '-' + repr(build_number), NODE_NAME='master', NODE_LABELS='', WORKSPACE=self.workspace, JENKINS_HOME=self.jenkins.public_uri, JENKINS_URL=self.jenkins.public_uri, HUDSON_URL=self.jenkins.public_uri, BUILD_URL=jp(self.public_uri, repr(build_number)), JOB_URL=self.public_uri, ) proc = LoggingProcess(target=self.func, output_file_name=self.log_file, workspace=self.workspace,, args=fixed_args, env=extra_env) = self.jenkins.invocation_class(self, proc, build_number) if description: self.jenkins.set_build_description(description, replace=True, separator='',, build_number=build_number) self._invocations.append( return def poll(self): pass def job_status(self): """Result, progress and latest buildnumber info for the JOB NOT the invocation Return (result, progress_info, latest_build_number) (str, str, int or None): Note: Always returns result == BuildResult.UNKNOWN and latest_build_number == 0 """ progress = Progress.RUNNING if _pgrep(LoggingProcess.proc_name_prefix + else Progress.IDLE result = BuildResult.UNKNOWN return (result, progress, 0) def stop_all(self): # TODO stop ALL if def update_config(self, config_xml): _mkdir(os.path.dirname(self.public_uri)) with open(self.public_uri, 'w') as ff: ff.write(config_xml) def __repr__(self): return str( class Invocation(ApiInvocationMixin): def __init__(self, job, proc, build_number): self.job = job self.proc = proc self.build_number = build_number self.queued_why = None self.proc.start() def status(self): if self.proc.is_alive(): return (BuildResult.UNKNOWN, Progress.RUNNING) rc = self.proc.exitcode if rc == 0: return (BuildResult.SUCCESS, Progress.IDLE) if rc == 1: return (BuildResult.FAILURE, Progress.IDLE) return (BuildResult.UNSTABLE, Progress.IDLE) def stop(self, dequeue): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.proc.terminate() def console_url(self): return self.job.log_file def __repr__(self): return + " #" + repr(self.build_number)