Source code for jenkinsflow.utils.set_build_description

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017 Lars Hupfeldt Nielsen, Hupfeldt IT
# All rights reserved. This work is under a BSD license, see LICENSE.TXT.

from .utils import base_url_and_api

[docs]def set_build_description( description: str, replace: bool = False, separator: str = '\n', username: str = None, password: str = None, build_url: str = None, job_name: str = None, build_number: int = None, direct_url: str = None): """Utility method to set/append build description on a job build. If this is used from inside the hudson job you do not have to specify 'build_url' or 'job_name', 'build_number'. You do not have to specify 'direct_url' either but may still want to do so if JENKINS_URL points to a proxy, so that rest calls can go directly to Jenkins. The 'build_url' is preferred over 'job_name' and 'build_number'. Args: description: The description to set on the build. replace: Replace existing description, if any, instead of appending. separator: A separator to insert between any existing description and the new 'description' if 'replace' is not specified. username: User Name for Jenkin authentication with secured Jenkins. password: Password of Jenkins User. build_url: The URL of the jenkins build - preferably non-proxied. Default is os.environ['BUILD_URL']. job_name: Name of the job to modify a build on. Default is os.environ['JOB_NAME']. build_number: Build Number to modify. . Default is os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER']. direct_url: Jenkins URL - preferably non-proxied. If not specified, the value of JENKINS_URL or HUDSON_URL environment variables will be used. """ base_url, api = base_url_and_api(direct_url) jenkins = api.Jenkins(direct_uri=base_url, username=username, password=password) jenkins.set_build_description(description, replace, separator, build_url, job_name, build_number)