Source code for jenkinsflow.jobload

# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2015 Lars Hupfeldt Nielsen, Hupfeldt IT
# All rights reserved. This work is under a BSD license, see LICENSE.TXT.

from __future__ import print_function
from .jenkins_api import UnknownJobException

    import tenjin
    from tenjin.helpers import *
    engine = tenjin.Engine()
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    engine = None

[docs]def update_job(jenkins, job_name, config_xml, pre_delete=False, background=False): """Update or create a job in Jenkins. Args: jenkins (jenkins_api.Jenkins): Jenkins Api instance used for accessing jenkins. job_name (str): The name of the job. config_xml (str): The Jenkins job config xml. pre_delete (boolean): I the job exists it will be deleted and re-created instead of being updated. """ try: if not pre_delete: jenkins.poll() job = jenkins.get_job(job_name) print('Updating job:', job_name) job.update_config(config_xml) return print('Deleting job:', job_name) jenkins.delete_job(job_name) except UnknownJobException: pass print('Creating job:', job_name) jenkins.create_job(job_name, config_xml) if not background: jenkins.poll()
[docs]def update_job_from_template(jenkins, job_name, config_xml_template, pre_delete=False, background=False, context=None): """Create or update a job based on a `Tenjin` config.xml template. Args: config_xml_template (str): Filename of tenjin config.xml template. context (dict): Values to be used for template substitution. See :py:func:`.update_job` for other parameters. """ assert engine, "You must install tenjin (e.g.: pip install tenjin)" config_xml = engine.render(config_xml_template, context or {}) update_job(jenkins, job_name, config_xml, pre_delete, background)